User Guide ========== .. toctree:: fss-theory quality nelder-mead Usage ----- The **fssa** package expects finite-size data in the following setting. .. math:: A_L(\varrho) = L^{\zeta/\nu} \tilde{f}\left(L^{1/\nu} (\varrho - \varrho_c)\right), \qquad (L \to \infty, \varrho \to \varrho_c), `l` is like a 1-D numpy array which contains the finite system sizes :math:`L`. `rho` is like a 1-D numpy array which contains the parameter values :math:`\varrho`. `a` is like a 2-D numpy array which contains the observations (the data) :math:`A_L(\varrho)`, where `a[i, j]` is the data at the `i`-th system size and the `j`-th parameter value. `da` is like a 2-D numpy array which contains the standard errors in the observations. The **fssa.autoscale** function attempts to determine the critical parameter and exponents which entail an optimal data collapse. The initial guesses for :math:`\varrho_c, \nu, \zeta` are `rho_c0`, `nu0`, and `zeta0`. >>> import fssa >>> fssa.autoscale(l, rho, a, da, rho_c0, nu0, zeta0)