Verifying pyfssa ================ The *pyfssa* package implements algorithmic finite-size scaling analysis. In order to verify the autoscaling algorithm, the following computations aim at reproducing the scaling exponents from the literature of the paradigmatic bond percolation problem on a linear chain and on a square lattice. First, finite-size percolation studies utilizing the *pypercolate* package generate the finite-size data. Next, we plot these raw data for the percolation probability, the order parameter (largest component) and the susceptibility (second moment of the cluster-size distribution). For each of these quantities, we scale the simulation data according to the literature exponents and observe the data collapse onto the master curve. Finally, for each of these quantities, *pyfssa* auto-scales the simulation data in order to recover the literature exponents. Percolation simulation design ----------------------------- We utilize the `pypercolate `__ package to generate the percolation finite-size data, according to the `template for a HPC bond percolation finite-size scaling study `__. To carry out the simulations in a GridEngine powered high-performance computing environment, we employ the `jug `__ and `gridjug `__ packages. The *jugfiles* contain the control flow for both studies on the `linear chain <_static/>`__ and the `square lattice <_static/>`__. The finite system sizes of the linear chain (number of nodes) are :math:`2^6, 2^8, \ldots, 2^{20}`, and the linear extensions :math:`L_i` of the :math:`L_i \times L_i` square lattices (number of nodes) are :math:`2^3, 2^4, \ldots, 2^{10}`. The total number of runs is :math:`N_{runs} = 10^4`, respectively. The occupation probabilities are :math:`\{1 - 10^{-(1 + i/10)} : i = 0, \ldots, 100\}` for the linear chain and :math:`\{0.5 + \frac{i}{500} : i = -50, \ldots, +50\}` for the square lattice. The confidence level is at the :math:`1 \sigma` level, hence :math:`1 - \alpha = \text{erf}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \approx 0.683`. The master seeds that initialize the Mersenne-Twister RNG to draw the seeds for each run are :math:`3138595788` for the linear chain and :math:`3939666632` for the square lattice. Preamble -------- .. code-block:: python from __future__ import division .. code-block:: python # configure plotting %config InlineBackend.rc = {'figure.dpi': 300, 'savefig.dpi': 300, \ 'figure.figsize': (3, 3 / 1.6), 'font.size': 10, \ 'figure.facecolor': (1, 1, 1, 0)} %matplotlib inline .. code-block:: python from pprint import pprint as print from collections import OrderedDict import warnings import h5py import matplotlib as mpl import numpy as np import os import scipy.stats import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from cycler import cycler import fssa .. parsed-literal:: /home/sorge/repos/sci/pyfssa/.devenv35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter. warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key)) Loading and inspecting the raw data ----------------------------------- .. code-block:: python bond_percolation_data = OrderedDict() bond_percolation_data['1D'] = h5py.File( os.path.join('_static', 'bond-percolation-hpc-chain-canonical-averages.hdf5') ) bond_percolation_data['2D'] = h5py.File( os.path.join('_static', 'bond-percolation-hpc-grid-canonical-averages.hdf5') ) .. code-block:: python system_sizes = OrderedDict() for key, data in bond_percolation_data.items(): system_sizes[key] = sorted([int(group_key) for group_key in data.keys()]) print(system_sizes) .. parsed-literal:: OrderedDict([('1D', [64, 256, 1024, 4096, 16384, 65536, 262144, 1048576]), ('2D', [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024])]) .. code-block:: python print(bond_percolation_data['1D'][str(system_sizes['1D'][0])].dtype.descr) .. parsed-literal:: [('number_of_runs', '